Life on mission | week 1

For the Participant

The Rooted series is designed to be a a clear way that you can grow in your life with Jesus as a participant in the life of our church. We’ve clustered key concepts in the series into three groups: Life with God, Life with Others and Life on Mission. We believe that as we live into these three areas in increasing measure, we will become more fully formed disciples of Jesus.

So far in the series, we’ve talked about Life with God as the foundation of all transformation, and have given you two spiritual tools—the practice of studying the Scripture, and the practice of silence and solitude. Next we talked about Life with Others in community, giving you the tools of discovering your Spiritual Gifts and learning to Pray for One Another. Today, we’ll begin the final key concept, which is Life on Mission.

Learning objective: to be envisioned for joining God on his mission in the world to spread the gospel, seeing your personal transformation and experience of God for the purpose of mission.

Prior to meeting with your mentor or small group, please do the following:
  • Read Luke 15:1-32 (verses 1-7 included here)
    “Now the tax collectors and sinners were all gathering around to hear Jesus. But the Pharisees and the teachers of the law muttered, “This man welcomes sinners and eats with them.” Then Jesus told them this parable: “Suppose one of you has a hundred sheep and loses one of them. Doesn’t he leave the ninety-nine in the open country and go after the lost sheep until he finds it? And when he finds it, he joyfully puts it on his shoulders and goes home. Then he calls his friends and neighbors together and says, ‘Rejoice with me; I have found my lost sheep.’ I tell you that in the same way there will be more rejoicing in heaven over one sinner who repents than over ninety-nine righteous persons who do not need to repent.” (Luke 15:1–7, NIV)
  • “Jesus shows us our relationship with the Father in the parable of the prodigal son. This story is told to religious leaders who are incensed because of the people Jesus hangs out with. He eats with tax gatherers and sinners. This is His sign of welcome. Rather than condemning these reprobates, He invites them to His table, saying, in effect, ‘We belong together.’ This drives religious people crazy. What kind of a God suspends His holy laws to welcome such trash into His presence? Jesus responds by telling the story of the prodigal. His parable is a confrontational narrative that shows religious people that God loves unconditionally.”
    —Don Williams, 12 Steps with Jesus,  p. 54
Rooted Content
  • What strikes you about these three parables, all designed to communicate God’s heart for the lost?
  • Where do you see yourself in the story of the prodigal son: as the younger or older son? Why?
  • How have you experienced God’s heart toward those furthest from Him?
  • What experience do you have in sharing Jesus with others? Was it positive or negative? What hesitations might you have, if any?
The Bible Project Content
  • What is the promise made by God at the very beginning of Genesis, in the Garden?
  • To whom and through whom is this promise repeated throughout the Old Testament?
  • What role to the prophets play in God’s promise and why?
  • How does Jesus fulfill the promise of God made in the Garden of Eden, in his ministry and later in his death and resurrection?
  • What is the hope that the Scriptures end with?
  • Ask God to soften your heart for those who are nearest to you that don’t know Him.
  • Does anyone specific come to mind? Spend some time praying for them this week.
  • What is one tangible next step you can take with/for them?

For the coach/mentor

The Rooted series is designed to be a a clear way that you can grow in your life with Jesus as a participant in the life of our church. We’ve clustered key concepts in the series into three groups: Life with God, Life with Others and Life on Mission. We believe that as we live into these three areas in increasing measure, we will become more fully formed disciples of Jesus.
So far in the series, we’ve talked about Life with God as the foundation of all transformation, and have given you two spiritual tools—the practice of studying the Scripture, and the practice of silence and solitude. Next we talked about Life with Others in community, giving you the tools of discovering your Spiritual Gifts and learning to Pray for One Another. Today, we’ll begin the final key concept, which is Life on Mission.
Learning objective: to be envisioned for joining God on his mission in the world to spread the gospel, seeing your personal transformation and experience of God for the purpose of mission.
Coaching objective: to stir people, through vision and conversation, toward passion for joining God in his mission in the world, where the live, work and play.
  • If you can believe it, we’re already on the final section of content for our Rooted series. Hopefully you’ve been experiencing growth and seeing God’s activity in your life throughout these two months.
  • Prior to coming to this gathering, we’ve asked you to do week seven in your Participant Guide. This involved watching a couple videos, a little reading, and answering some questions for reflection and understanding.
  • As a reminder, our material in Rooted is organized around three key concepts which we believe will lead anyone toward a deeper life and more fully formed life with Jesus. Those three concepts are: Life with God, Life with Others (in community) and Life on Mission. Some of you might immediately connect this with our MHV logo: Up, In, and Out. We believe it’s incredibly important for everyone in our church to be familiar with how we think about formation and discipleship, and to move with us in a unified direction. We believe Rooted will help us do that.
  • For the last two months, you’ve been engaged in what it means to have an intimate Life with God and tried out two spiritual practices to help foster that—studying the Scriptures and silence and solitude. You’ve also engaged in what it means to have Life with Others in community, and tried out the practice of using your spiritual gifts in service, and praying for others.
  • Before we talk about what our next concept is going to be, I’d love to hear a few of you share what you’ve experienced so far? How do you see God growing you?
  • This next key concept is all around Life on Mission. We believe that everything we’ve been doing so far— as we’ve talked about Life with God and Life with Others—has all been for the sake of mission. The more whole we become as people, the more we can engage fully in the mission of God in the world. Therefore, any transformation we’ve experienced in Life with God or Life with Others, is a wonderful benefit to us personally but it’s ultimately so we can partner with God in seeing others come into life in the Kingdom.
  • As a coach or leader, here is a great moment where we want you to share a personal story from your life. This story should be of a powerful moment where you joined God on mission in the world.
    • Maybe a moment when you shared Jesus with a neighbor or coworker.
    • Maybe a time when you brought someone to Alpha and how their life changed as a result.
    • Maybe a time when you engaged in neighboring and how that impacted your relationship with your neighbor.
  • If mentoring an individual, ask them to share their story in about 10 minutes. If in a group setting, pair participants in groups of 3-4. For the next 15-20 minutes, gather in groups of 3 or 4 and I want each of you to share briefly a moment when you joined God on mission—whether that’s where you work, in your neighborhood, or with those you hang out with as friends.
  • If you don’t have a story to share, that’s okay. You might choose to share with the group one thing you desire as you think about joining God on mission in the world.
  • Bring the group back together then, as the leader, ask for a volunteer for some live coaching. You’re looking for someone who might have some experience living on mission, but sees a gap in where they are and where they want to be.
    • When asking for a volunteer, be sure to share: “I’m not going to embarrass you. This isn’t going to hurt. I am asking you to be vulnerable in front of a group of people—which can be a little intimidating—but it’s for the benefit of our whole group so we can learn together.”
  • Here are some possible questions for coaching. The goal is to help them come up with an action to take to deepen their commitment to live missionally.
    • Share with me a way you have been able to join God on mission in your life with neighbors, coworkers or friends. What was that experience like for you?
    • If this area of your life were to really be thriving, God was moving in and through you, what do you imagine it would look like?
    • What obstacles seem to stand in your way being on mission and moving toward this vision of a preferred future? Is it an emotional obstacle (I don’t feel capable), a practical obstacle (I’m too busy), or a spiritual obstacle (I’m not that excited about sharing Jesus with others)
    • What is it like to hear yourself state that obstacle out loud?
    • What are some possible ways to overcome this obstacle? What can you do about it? Who can help you?
    • Of those, what are you most excited to try? Most willing?
    • What is one next step you can take in this area? When?
    • How would life be different if you actually lived into this?
    • Review for them the idea and action they came up with: when you envision being on mission as really flowing well, you imagined…in order to move in that direction you identified obstacles like…and you came up with several ideas to overcome these obstacles. One of them was…and to further grow in this area, you’re committing to a next step of…
  • Thank them for allowing you to coach them!
  • What I’d like you to do now is have you split into pairs and practice coaching each other. You’ll each take turns. There are a few specific questions I want you to ask.
  • For the one asking questions: ask a question and allow them to answer; when they’re finished, reflect back what you’re hearing to make sure you understood. Then, ask the next question and repeat the process.
  • For the one being asked questions: be as vulnerable as you can, taking even just one step beyond what you might feel safe or comfortable sharing. After the final question, state what idea or practice you are going to try on and when.
  • Questions to ask each other:
    • How are you currently engaging in Life on Mission with God?
    • Where would you like to grow in this area?
    • What are some steps you might take? Good…what else? What else?
    • Which one of those are you willing to try on? When?
  • Thanks so much for coming. I’m so excited for the journey each of you are on in your life with God. There are a lot of good things that happened today. I would encourage you to go home and within the next 24 hours write down any key take-aways or things you sensed God speak tonight—especially from the prayer time whether you prayed or received prayer.
  • Let me pray to close us out for the night.