We hope you will experience God and find a life-changing community here.
Sundays at 10:30am
Sundays at 12:30PM
You can always Text us at 833-202-8665
key words to text are: visitor, prayer requests, Give, Help
Below you can find recent messages and other tools that correspond to that message to help with your journey!
Here at the Greeley Vineyard, we believe real transformation and life happens outside of Sunday. We were created to do life in circles and not in rows. Therefore, we believe getting connected to a small group outside of Sunday is a life-giving step in your faith that you won't regret! Check out our groups below!
Who is jesus?
We all have questions. Young or old, new to faith or not, it’s in our nature to be curious. If you’re new to church or maybe you’ve been in the past but are still not even sure who Jesus is, click below to learn more.