Below is a helpful five-step prayer model to assist people in following God's direction regarding how to pray for a person. This model is not a technique or a secret formula that makes healing happen. We must always keep in mind that God does the healing and that His sovereign will is determinative regarding whether someone gets healed. This model simply enables people to look for what the Holy Spirit is doing and participate with God.
Answers the question, “Where does it hurt?” Upon asking, “How can I pray for you?”, we listen on both the natural and supernatural levels so we might hear all of what might be going on in a person’s life.
Answers the question, “Why does this person have this condition?"As we are interviewing the person, we are asking God for insight regarding the ultimate cause of the condition. We have heard from the individual about their need and are now asking God about the cause.
Answers the question, “What kind of prayer will help this person?”The ultimate issue here is this: What is God doing at this particular time? We are asking God how we should intercede for this person.
Answers the question, “How are we doing?”During this process we are evaluating how effective our prayers have been.
Answers the question, “What do I do now?”While this is not a personal counseling session or an opportunity to say what’s worked for you, it is a helpful moment to given them general biblical counsel.
Answers the question, “Where does it hurt?” Upon asking, “How can I pray for you?”, we listen on both the natural and supernatural levels so we might hear all of what might be going on in a person’s life.
- Listening to the person – The Natural Level
- Present and past experiences
- What you see, know, and how you learned it
- Listening to God – The Supernatural Level
- Knowledge through the gifts of the Holy Spirit
- This is not a medical interview
- The interview is complete when:
- You know what you are praying for
- God has told you what to pray
Answers the question, “Why does this person have this condition?"As we are interviewing the person, we are asking God for insight regarding the ultimate cause of the condition. We have heard from the individual about their need and are now asking God about the cause.
- The Natural Level
- Contracted a disease
- Hurt themselves
- The Supernatural Level
- The effects of sin
- Sin they committed
- Sin committed against them
- Emotional issue
- Anger or bitterness
- Unforgiveness
- Demonic oppression
- Family spirits
- Curses
- Demonization
- The effects of sin
Answers the question, “What kind of prayer will help this person?”The ultimate issue here is this: What is God doing at this particular time? We are asking God how we should intercede for this person.
- Prayer toward God
- Blessing: asking God to pour out his love and blessing on them
- Petition: asking for the presence and healing of the Holy Spirit
- Intercession: prayer in mind or spirit with a view toward sharing the burden
- Prayer from God
- Command of faith or Pronouncement of faith
- Charge to the enemy
- Rebuke: breaking the power
- Bind: containing the power
- Expels: eliminating the presence
Answers the question, “How are we doing?”During this process we are evaluating how effective our prayers have been.
- Pray for effect
- Pray with eyes open
- Watch for warmth, tingling, heat, muscle spasms, shaking, deep breathing, fluttering eyelids, taut fingers, etc.
- Ask questions
- This gives you further direction for how to pray
- This does not disturb the prayer process
- The person indicates it’s over
- The Holy Spirit indicates it’s over
- You run out of things to say
- You have prayed for everything and nothing has happened
Answers the question, “What do I do now?”While this is not a personal counseling session or an opportunity to say what’s worked for you, it is a helpful moment to given them general biblical counsel.
- General counsel
- Read your Bible
- Pray
- Become involved in Small Groups
- Encourage them to continue to receive prayer.
- Supernatural leading for special direction
- A times you may share or clarify a prophetic word you sensed during your prayer time. Prophecy is for strengthening, encouragement and comfort, according to 1 Corinthians 14:3.
- In general, we recommend you refrain from predicting the future or sharing a negative prophetic word. Please share these with your local church pastor first to determine the appropriate step to take, if any.